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We help you create your event with a positive impact

By hosting your event or meeting at Impact Hub, not only do we mitigate any potential negative impacts, but you also actively contribute to fostering a positive impact through our array of over 30 sustainable event measures.

Whether in our inspiring spaces or in other locations, we will accompany you so that your celebrations are aligned with the most demanding social and environmental expectations.

Impact Hub Madrid 

Celebrate your event or meeting with clients or team in one of our spaces in Madrid. Each of them has different rooms equipped with technology and furniture, as well as support from the Impact Hub team at all times to make your event a success.

All our rooms have a catalog of included and a la carte services that you can request, and with a sustainable purpose.

Choose the modality you need at all times: on-site, online or hybrid. Consult with our team and we will inform you without obligation.


Impact Hub Madrid 

We can help you organize sustainable events. Without losing sight of the objective you want to achieve with your event (customers, positioning, revenue, etc.), we help you make decisions based on 3 axes: ecological, economic and social. In order to organize sustainable, viable and equitable actions.

In addition, with this perspective of event production, you can contribute to support vulnerable groups, promote local trade, reduce inequalities or consume responsibly.

Included services


Equipped rooms

Inspiring, accessible and equipped rooms with furniture and flipchart.


Technical resources and high-speed wifi

Complete technical equipment of the rooms to ensure universal accessibility.


Recycling points

Waste separation in all event rooms.


Accessible spaces

Accessibility in all buildings: ramps, doors, adapted toilets, etc.


Zero-emission spaces

We offset the C02 footprint generated in our spaces and our electricity consumption comes from 100% renewable sources.

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Expert advisor in sustainable events

Our commercial and production team will help you incorporate sustainable initiatives in the design and production of your event or meeting.

On demand services


Videowall systems

To signpost your event or meeting and minimize the use of posters and handheld programs.


Tailor-made technological solutions

Discover how our technological solutions help your event or meeting achieve its objectives.


Filtered water for attendees

We are space 0 plastics and offer Km0 water in glass bottles to avoid single-use containers.


Zero Emissions Transportation

We manage the transportation of speakers, public or staff with Zero Emissions transportation. We also transport materials using sustainable couriers.


Sustainable mobility awards

We reward your attendees who come by public transport, bicycle, electric scooter or motorcycle / carsharing.


Collaborate with the neighborhood

Direct contacts with local collaborators and local businesses: flowers, sweets, artists, decoration and furniture.



We offer you only catering with proven projects that support groups at risk of social exclusion and whose leftovers are taken to soup kitchens.


Measuring and offsetting your carbon footprint

We help you measure and offset the CO2 generated by your event and support social and environmental projects.


Because nothing replaces meeting in person, we have 6 locations in the urban area of Madrid, with different rooms and capacities to promote your event or meeting. We adapt the capacity to your needs and to any current regulations..

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Qué deben de tener las salas para eventos?

Una sala para eventos debe tener todo lo necesario para que desarrolles tu reunión o evento de la mejor manera e impulsar la experiencia del asistente y los objetivos del evento. En Impact Hub tenemos salas con mobiliario que se adapta al formato requerido por el cliente, materiales y la dotación audiovisual necesaria para que tu evento sea un éxito: pantallas, altavoces, rotuladores... Espacios originales e inspiradores para una experiencia distinta.

¿Qué no puede faltar en una sala para eventos?

Es indispensable una buena conexión de wifi y que las necesidades principales estén cubiertas. Disponer de un host de apoyo para cualquier necesidad y de personal técnico profesional es necesario para que el evento sea un éxito y tus asistentes disfruten de una experiencia atractiva.

¿Cómo se organiza una sala para eventos?

Una sala para eventos se organiza pensando a favor de la sostenibilidad y el impacto ambiental, de tal forma que la organización del evento genere menos residuos, ahorre gastos y contribuya con un aporte positivo a la comunidad.
Sustainable events and meetings

We strive to meet the necessary requirements to obtain BCorp certification, focusing on 3 pillars:

Economic: We are committed to local economy and development, setting goals to increase the consumption of local suppliers in order to strengthen this business network.

Environmental: Among other measures, we raise awareness about reducing consumption and recycling in spaces and events and we pay more attention to the choice of purchasing from suppliers.

Social: We promote measures of conciliation and stability, providing employees with flexible working hours and space, special leaves, and mostly permanent contracts.

Logo Madrid Blanco - Impact Hub

there's a lot more going on at Impact Hub…

Sustainable events and meetings

Logo Madrid Blanco - Impact Hub

there's a lot more going on at Impact Hub…

Sustainable events and meetings