
At Impact Hub, as a B Corp company, we adhere to high standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability.

Organizational Structure

The main shareholder of Impact Hub Madrid is Agartha Real Estate (ARE), a company managing investments and alternative real estate assets. ARE is also the primary shareholder of Impact Hub Barcelona and Impact Hub Málaga.

The organizational structure of Impact Hub Madrid has minimal hierarchical levels to ensure that work relationships are as smooth and efficient as possible.

The functions of each area of Impact Hub Madrid are as follows:

> Board of Directors: Sets fundamental strategic guidelines and approves proposals made by the Management Committee. The Board of Directors of Impact Hub is composed of: Miguel Ángel Capriles, Ricardo Castellanos, Xavier Lujan, Magally Capriles, Eugenio Andrés, and Luis Vicente León.

> Management Committee: Its main functions are to implement the strategy and ensure the execution of the strategy approved by the Board of Directors. The Management Committee of Impact Hub is composed of Ricardo Castellanos, Rafael Díaz, Antonio González, María Calvo, Nathalie Alvaray, and Nuria Calleja.

> Workspaces Area: Includes the management of coworking spaces and their communities, as well as business development for events both within its own spaces and through its events agency.

> Impact Consulting Area: Generates innovation and new ideas by collaboratively transforming organizations, and also includes an Acceleration team.

> Impact Hub also has the following cross-functional areas: Talent and Culture, Finance — with Data and IT departments — and Marketing and Communication (Marcom).