Request information


Define your values

Sustainable events arise as a consequence of the expectations that society places on brands and organizations and that, therefore, they need to meet.

Thus, sustainable events consist of creating a value proposition that is aligned with the most relevant social and environmental expectations for the customer of your product or service.

Choosing a space aligned with sustainability to hold your events defines corporate values and frameworks that avoid reputational issues to ensure a lasting future for your brand or organization.

Organize your green and socially responsible event at any of the 6 Impact Hub Madrid venues.


How we make our events sustainable

  • The electricity consumption of all our offices comes from 100% renewable energy.
  • Lighting is energy efficient and/or LED.
  • Detectors placed in doors to optimize the use of heating and air conditioning.
  • Temperature is ecologically suitable..
  • Cistern flow system is reduced and the taps have filters that control the amount of water used.
  • Recycling and waste separation points.

How are our suppliers

Collaborating companies must be approved through collective agreement, and must be aligned with environmental and social sustainability.

They must also participate in the requirements necessary to maintain Impact Hub's BCorp certification. We prioritize suppliers committed to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly present and future.


Some actions we take

We donate leftovers to soup kitchens, and we work with committed companies, with staff from social integration programs and employees with intellectual disabilities.
We also work with organizations that help refugees to build a new future, providing them, through cooking, with a means of social and labor integration in Spain.

Commitment to 0 emissions
We join the commitment to zero emissions in 2050 and to reduce emissions to 50% by 2030. For example, using an ecological courier service by bicycle, developing a carbon footprint compensation study at your events, or facilitating ecological transport for attendees and speakers.

10 reasons to organize sustainable

Demonstrates that responsible
and conscious management of an event is possible,
profitable, and ethical

Take advantage of the solutions available to you
to reduce negative impacts increase the positive ones

Position and make visible the human and environmental added value

Strengthen the relationship with suppliers and
sponsors through sustainable commitment

Improve efficiency, creativity and
innovation by saving costs

Strengthens the emotional ties of the team
associated with the purpose of the organization

Supports the local economy and employment

Aligns business strategy to meet
objectives of the Agenda 2030

Balances economic profitability
with social and environmental goals

Increases customer trust and

Included services


Equipped rooms

Inspiring, accessible and equipped rooms with furniture and flipchart.


Technical resources and high-speed wifi

Complete technical equipment of the rooms to ensure universal accessibility.


Recycling points

Waste separation in all event rooms.


Accessible spaces

Accessibility in all buildings: ramps, doors, adapted toilets, etc.


Zero-emission spaces

We offset the C02 footprint generated in our spaces and our electricity consumption comes from 100% renewable sources.

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Expert advisor in sustainable events

Our commercial and production team will help you incorporate sustainable initiatives in the design and production of your event or meeting.

On demand services


Videowall systems

To signpost your event or meeting and minimize the use of posters and handheld programs.


Tailor-made technological solutions

Discover how our technological solutions help your event or meeting achieve its objectives.


Filtered water for attendees

We are space 0 plastics and offer Km0 water in glass bottles to avoid single-use containers.


Zero Emissions Transportation

We manage the transportation of speakers, public or staff with Zero Emissions transportation. We also transport materials using sustainable couriers.


Sustainable mobility awards

We reward your attendees who come by public transport, bicycle, electric scooter or motorcycle / carsharing.


Collaborate with the neighborhood

Direct contacts with local collaborators and local businesses: flowers, sweets, artists, decoration and furniture.



We offer you only catering with proven projects that support groups at risk of social exclusion and whose leftovers are taken to soup kitchens.


Measuring and offsetting your carbon footprint

We help you measure and offset the CO2 generated by your event and support social and environmental projects.


Because nothing replaces meeting in person, we have 6 locations in the urban area of Madrid, with different rooms and capacities to promote your event. We adapt the capacity to your needs and to any current regulations.

We are BCorp

We strive to meet the necessary requirements to obtain BCorp certification, focusing mainly on 3 pillars:
We are committed to the economy and local development, establishing goals to increase consumption of local suppliers to strengthen this fabric of business.
Among other measures, we raise awareness about reducing consumption and recycling in spaces and events, and we pay more attention to the choice of purchasing from suppliers.
We promote work-life balance and stability measures, providing employees with flexible working hours and space, special leaves of absence, and mostly permanent contracts.



How can I contract a room for events?

Contact us by filling out the web form, or send an email to and we will contact you.

How can I make my event more sustainable?

You can take into account different areas of action: mobility, social contribution, consumption, waste and awareness. Take a look at our 30 initiatives to organize more sustainable events.

Does making my event more sustainable increase the price?

No. Initiatives to organize more sustainable events are mostly free of charge! In addition, the perspective of sustainability will always save you some costs as it promotes reuse, responsible materials and the use of essential elements.

What are the room hours?

Our normal business hours are 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday through Friday. However, we welcome events and meetings outside these hours for a small surcharge for production staff providing support

What rates are available to me?

Rates are based on room size, location and time of use. We are sure to have a space that fits your budget. Contact us by filling out the web form, or send an email to and we will contact you.

What is the wifi speed?

Wifi speed is 1 GB symmetrical.

Is there a deposit to pay for the material?

No. Although for some large events, where there will be a structural intervention in the space, we request a deposit. It will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Is technical advice available to me?

Of course. Our technical coordinator will accompany you during the production process to provide you with the best technical or technological solution for your event or meeting.

Can my team access the room after hours?

The room can be accessed according to the schedule you have previously contracted.

How can I contract a virtual room for online events?

Contact us by filling out the web form, or send an email to and we will contact you.

Do I have 24-hour access to the virtual room?

Of course, you will have access and technical support to the virtual room you have contracted, according to the agreed schedules.

Can any member of my team access the virtual room?

Of course. Previously we designed a list of technical needs. Ask us for the number of people connected (audience, staff and speakers) and we will prepare a customized virtual room for you.

What rates are available to me?

The rates for virtual rooms depend on the number of people connected, the technical support required (sound technician, councilor, etc.) and the time of use. Ask us for a quote tailored to your needs.

Do I have to pay any extra for the services provided?

No. But depending on the needs of your virtual event we will propose extra services that can complement and boost the experience of your audience. These are not mandatory services, you can decide if you want to include them or not.
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Sustainable events and meetings

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there's a lot more going on at Impact Hub…

Sustainable events and meetings