A sustainable event: Podcast Days

Client: La Constante and BrandStocker, organizers of the fourth edition of Podcast Days

Agency: Impact Hub Events Agency.


La cuarta edición de Podcast Days, the first event for podcasting professionals and a meeting and connection point for podcasting in Spain, was held on October 26 and 27, 2023 at the Colegio de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM).

With 25 sponsors Spotify, YouTube and Podium Podcast, among others, Podcast Days has been a meeting place for podcasting professionals in Spain to learn about the latest trends, share experiences and establish contacts. 

El evento tenía como objetivo ser el escenario donde conectar a los profesionales del sector del podcasting y estaba dirigido a: 

  • People who are already immersed in the podcast industry and wish to share their experience and meet other players in the sector.
  • Those who see a potential career opportunity and want to deepen their operation in order to grow and be inspired.
  • Marketing managers and brands that see the podcast as another channel within their positioning strategies.

Proposed solution

To design Podcast Days, the sustainable events agency Impact Hub Madrid offered 360º coverage to address all the needs of the event:

  • Sustainable production design
  • Search for financing and sponsors
  • Adaptation, together with the client, of content for the agenda to meet the objectives of networking, boosting and inspiring the sector.
  • Gestión de taquilla
  • Coordination and dynamization of the community (attendees) at the event. 
  • Marketing and communication

Impact figures

  • 550 attendees
  • 13 round tables and success stories
  • 8 practical workshops
  • 14 hours of networking
  • 1 exhibition area of 800 m2
  • 25 sponsors
  • 10 exhibitors
  • 80 reuniones entre los asistentes
  • 10 sustainable initiatives
  • 1 award ceremony

In addition, the most demanding sustainability standards have been taken into account, understanding sustainability from a perspective of balance between economic growth, respect for the environment and social welfare.


To this end, a series of measures have been proposed aimed at minimizing and combating the negative impact that the event may cause in these fields, transforming it into a positive impact from which all participating actors can benefit.

Social sustainability

Coffee break with Filantrópico Café. This company is committed to the inclusion of people with disabilities and at risk of social inclusion in its workforce, and its specialty coffee is produced and served through a totally sustainable process.

Social volunteering activities hand in hand with Volies. This company specialized in corporate volunteering offered several workshops.

Team of hostesses and senior hostesses with Bioevents. From their sustainable events company, they advocate for adding value through generational diversity.

Parity in the panels. The panels have had 50% women speakers and have opted for diversity for all the participants in the contents.

Environmental measures

A single site. To avoid unnecessary transfers of attendees, technical staff and suppliers, the entire event has been held in a single location, which meets all accessibility requirements..

Reuse. Expendable materials such as the lanyards used were collected after the event so that they can be reused for future events.

Minimal signage. The signage elements (posters, banners, etc.) have been reduced to the minimum possible, creating neutral designs that can be reused on future occasions. In addition, the supports have been made of handmade cardboard, designed to be reusable.  

Paper reduction Have been eliminated handheld programs, physical tickets and unnecessary paperwork, providing an alternative to the attendant through QR codes.

Menos plástico. have been encouraging the use of zero-kilometer water with glasses, glass bottles and earthenware, thus avoiding plastic containers.

Avoiding the use and throw away. In order not to promote single-use materials, no merchandising materials were given to attendees..

Sustainable transport. More sustainable alternatives to flying have been sought for the travel of speakers who have come from other provinces or countries.

Local economy

Local suppliers. It has been encouraged that the transport of goods for the event be done with zero-emission vehicles.

For more information, please request the event report..